Results for 'Matteo De Marco'

948 found
  1. On the manipulator-focused response to manipulation cases.Gabriel De Marco & Taylor W. Cyr - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):2867-2896.
    In this paper, we identify a class of responses to cases of manipulation that we label manipulator-focused views. The key insight of such views is that being subject to the will of another agent significantly affects our freedom and moral responsibility. Though different authors take this key insight in different directions, and the mechanics of their views are quite different, these views turn out to share many key components, and this allows us to discuss several authors’ views at the same (...)
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  2. Nonconsensual neurocorrectives, bypassing, and free action.Gabriel De Marco - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (6):1953-1972.
    As neuroscience progresses, we will not only gain a better understanding of how our brains work, but also a better understanding of how to modify them, and as a result, our mental states. An important question we are faced with is whether the state could be justified in implementing such methods on criminal offenders, without their consent, for the purposes of rehabilitation and reduction of recidivism; a practice that is already legal in some jurisdictions. By focusing on a prominent type (...)
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  3. Manipulation, machine induction, and bypassing.Gabriel De Marco - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (2):487-507.
    A common style of argument in the literature on free will and moral responsibility is the Manipulation Argument. These tend to begin with a case of an agent in a deterministic universe who is manipulated, say, via brain surgery, into performing some action. Intuitively, this agent is not responsible for that action. Yet, since there is no relevant difference, with respect to whether an agent is responsible, between the manipulated agent and a typical agent in a deterministic universe, responsibility is (...)
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  4. Technology to Prevent Criminal Behavior.Gabriel De Marco & Thomas Douglas - 2021 - In David Edmonds (ed.), Future Morality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Usa.
    The Case of Jim: Jim was arrested arriving at the house of an unattended minor, having brought with him some alcoholic drinks, condoms, and an overnight bag. Records of online conversations Jim was having with the minor give the court strong evidence that the purpose of this meet-up was to engage in sexual relations with the minor. In the course of searching his home computer, investigators also found child pornography. Jim was charged with intent to sexually abuse a child and (...)
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  5. The Informational Foundation of the Human Act.Fernando- Luis de Marcos Ortega Flores Morador & Luis de Marcos Ortega (eds.) - 2018 - Alcalá. Madrid: Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Alcalá.
    This book is the result of a collective research effort performed during many years in both Sweden and Spain. It is the result of attempting to develop a new field of research that could we denominate «human act informatics.» The goal has been to use the technologies of information to the study of the human act in general, including embodied acts and disembodied acts. The book presents a theory of the quantification of the informational value of human acts as order, (...)
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  6. Whispers and Shouts. The measurement of the human act.Fernando Flores Morador & Luis de Marcos Ortega (eds.) - 2021 - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid: Departement of Computational Sciences. University of Alcalá; Madrid.
    The 20th Century is the starting point for the most ambitious attempts to extrapolate human life into artificial systems. Norbert Wiener’s Cybernetics, Claude Shannon’s Information Theory, John von Neumann’s Cellular Automata, Universal Constructor to the Turing Test, Artificial Intelligence to Maturana and Varela’s Autopoietic Organization, all shared the goal of understanding in what sense humans resemble a machine. This scientific and technological movement has embraced all disciplines without exceptions, not only mathematics and physics but also biology, sociology, psychology, economics etc. (...)
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  7. Philosophical Research in Brazil: A Structural Topic Modeling Approach with a Focus on Temporal and Gender Trends.Marcos Fanton, Hugo Mota, Carolina de Melo Bomfim Araújo, Mitieli Seixas da Silva & Raquel Canuto - forthcoming - Metaphilosophy.
    [This is a pre-print; please cite the published version] This paper employs structural topic modeling (STM) to describe the academic philosophy landscape in Brazil. Based on a public national database, a corpus consisting of 12,515 abstracts of monographs defended in philosophy graduate programs between 1991 and 2021 was compiled. The final STM model identified 74 meaningful research topics, clustered into 7 thematic categories. This study discusses the prevalence of the most significant topics and categories, their trends across three decades, and (...)
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  8. A phenomenology and epistemology of large language models: transparency, trust, and trustworthiness.Richard Heersmink, Barend de Rooij, María Jimena Clavel Vázquez & Matteo Colombo - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (3):1-15.
    This paper analyses the phenomenology and epistemology of chatbots such as ChatGPT and Bard. The computational architecture underpinning these chatbots are large language models (LLMs), which are generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems trained on a massive dataset of text extracted from the Web. We conceptualise these LLMs as multifunctional computational cognitive artifacts, used for various cognitive tasks such as translating, summarizing, answering questions, information-seeking, and much more. Phenomenologically, LLMs can be experienced as a “quasi-other”; when that happens, users anthropomorphise them. (...)
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  9. La enseñanza del portugués en España.Angel Marcos de Dios - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 42:158-165.
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  10. “Os dentes afiados da Vida preferem a carne na mais tenra inf'ncia ”: Etnocartografar com olhos de besta.Marcos Ribeiro de Melo, Michele de Freitas Faria De Vasconcelos & Edson Augusto De Souza Neto - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-28.
    in this article, we experience the exercise of a screen ethnocartography in agency with the film Beasts of the southern wild by the director Benh Zeitlin. We tested a film experimentation that led to a renewed writing ways of life. We bet on cinema and childhood as possibilities for creating cracks and a stutter of language for the creation of new worlds and ways of living. In cinema images less as a representation, and more as art that proposes incompleteness, fissure, (...)
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  11. Solução de Aristóteles e David Hume aos Paradoxos de Zenão: um estudo sobre o conceito de espaço.Marcos César Seneda & Arthur Falco de Lima - 2017 - Horizonte Científico 11 (1):1-28.
    Este trabalho é uma investigação sobre os conceitos de espaço presentes tanto no livro IV da Física de Aristóteles, bem como no Livro 1, parte 2, do Tratado da Natureza Humana de David Hume. Nosso ponto de partida são os paradoxos de Zenão. Sabemos que Aristóteles debate diretamente com Zenão no livro IV da Física, enquanto Hume, no Tratado da Natureza Humana discute com a posição de Zenão acerca do espaço renovada por Bayle. Tendo isto em vista, o principal objetivo (...)
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  12. Against the countable transitive model approach to forcing.Matteo de Ceglie - 2021 - In Martin Blicha & Igor Sedlár (eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2020. College Publications.
    In this paper, I argue that one of the arguments usually put forward in defence of universism is in tension with current set theoretic practice. According to universism, there is only one set theoretic universe, V, and when applying the method of forcing we are not producing new universes, but only simulating them inside V. Since the usual interpretation of set generic forcing is used to produce a “simulation” of an extension of V from a countable set inside V itself, (...)
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  13. Using Network Models in Person-Centered Care in Psychiatry: How Perspectivism Could Help To Draw Boundaries.Nina de Boer, Daniel Kostić, Marcos Ross, Leon de Bruin & Gerrit Glas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychiatry, Section Psychopathology 13 (925187).
    In this paper, we explore the conceptual problems arising when using network analysis in person- centered care (PCC) in psychiatry. Personalized network models are potentially helpful tools for PCC, but we argue that using them in psychiatric practice raises boundary problems, i.e., problems in demarcating what should and should not be included in the model, which may limit their ability to provide clinically-relevant knowledge. Models can have explanatory and representational boundaries, among others. We argue that we can make more explicit (...)
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  14. A naturalistic justification of the generic multiverse with a core.Matteo de Ceglie - 2018 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 26:34-36.
    In this paper, I argue that a naturalist approach in philosophy of mathematics justifies a pluralist conception of set theory. For the pluralist, there is not a Single Universe, but there is rather a Multiverse, composed by a plurality of universes generated by various set theories. In order to justify a pluralistic approach to sets, I apply the two naturalistic principles developed by Penelope Maddy (cfr. Maddy (1997)), UNIFY and MAXIMIZE, and analyze through them the potential of the set theoretic (...)
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  15. Libertação, Raça e Decolonialidade.Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho, Breno Augusto Costa, Rodrigo Marcos Jesus, Milena Oliveira Pires & Leonardo Rennó Santos (eds.) - 2024 - Toledo, PR: Editora Quero Saber.
    O objetivo do presente volume é apresentar à comunidade filosófica parte do trabalho realizado nos GTs de Filosofia da Libertação, Latino-americana e Africana e Filosofia e Raça durante o XIX Encontro Nacional da ANPOF (Goiânia, 2022), através de textos apresentados no XIX Encontro Nacional da ANPOF (Goiânia, 2022), ou frutos de discussões e debates realizados nos GTs supracitados. Agradecemos a todos, todas e todes que apresentaram seus trabalhos e/ou participaram ativamente das discussões que deram origem aos textos deste volume, enriquecendo (...)
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  16. A singularidade da teoria da Prudência na Ética Nicomaqueia de Aristóteles.Marcos Henrique de Araújo - 2020 - Dissertation, Unesp, Brazil
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  17. Formal inconsistency and evolutionary databases.Walter A. Carnielli, João Marcos & Sandra De Amo - 2000 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 8 (2):115-152.
    This paper introduces new logical systems which axiomatize a formal representation of inconsistency (here taken to be equivalent to contradictoriness) in classical logic. We start from an intuitive semantical account of inconsistent data, fixing some basic requirements, and provide two distinct sound and complete axiomatics for such semantics, LFI1 and LFI2, as well as their first-order extensions, LFI1* and LFI2*, depending on which additional requirements are considered. These formal systems are examples of what we dub Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFI) (...)
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  18. Entrevista Com Fausto Castilho.Alexandre de Soares, Luciene Torino & Marcos Seneda - 2013 - Educação E Filosofia 27 (53).
    Com toda uma vida dedicada à reflexão, Fausto Castilho teve a sua trajetória marcada por duas grandes paixões: a Filosofia e o Brasil. Ambas o acompanharam desde a infância e a adolescência, tendo atravessado o seu caminho personagens emblemáticos, que o ajudaram a demarcar o traçado peculiar do seu destino. Formado na Sorbonne, numa época em que ela reunia, com seu corpo docente, um dos mais significativos e completos departamentos de filosofia do ocidente, Fausto Castilho trouxe consigo diversos métodos rigorosos (...)
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    Le forme dello spirito nell’ontologia critica di Nicolai Hartmann. Per una lettura critico-­genetica de Il problema dell’essere spirituale.Matteo Gargani - 2024 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 79 (2):387-413.
    The Spiritual Forms in Nicolai Hartmann’s critical ontology. For a critical-genetic interpretation of The Problem of Spiritual Being. The Author critically discusses the theoretical assumptions underlying Nicolai Hartmann’s 1933 The Problem of Spiritual Being. The Author deals with the main categorial problems involved in the Hartmannian discussion about the spiritual being, also looking at his previous production. In particular, the Author analyzes the position of the ontic level of spiritual being with respect to the previous three real ontic levels (inorganic, (...)
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  20. Use of flight interception traps of Malaise type and attractive traps for social wasps record (Vespidae: Polistinae).Marcos Magalhaes de Souza, L. N. Perillo, Bruno Correa Barbosa & Fabio Prezoto - 2015 - Sociobiology 62 (3).
    The literature provides different methodologies for sampling social wasps, including, flight intercept trap type Malaise and Attractive trap, however, there is no consensus on its use. In this respect, the aim of this study was to evaluate the best use of Malaise traps and Attractive trap in biodiversity work of social wasps, and generate a collection protocol for the use of these traps. The study was conducted in the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, located in the east of the state (...)
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  21. RELAÇÕES ENTRE COGNIÇÃO, PAIXÕES E AÇÃO EM ARISTÓTELES.Marcos Vinícius Woelke de Oliveira - 2021 - Dissertation, Unesp, Brazil
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  22. I principi epistemologici della botanica di Guy de La Brosse.Matteo Fornasier - 2020 - Noctua 7 (2):225-269.
    This paper investigates some core aspects of Guy de La Brosse’s botanical work. In the first section, the focus is on the epistemological principles of La Brosse’s botany by analyzing the first and second book of the treatise De la nature, vertu et utilité des plantes. In the second section, the author discusses the role of Paracelsus’s chemistry in La Brosse’s work, with a particular attention to the third book of the De la nature. The final section deals with La (...)
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  23. A new look at relational holism in quantum mechanics.Matteo Morganti - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):1027--1038.
    Teller argued that violations of Bell’s inequalities are to be explained by interpreting quantum entangled systems according to ‘relational holism’, that is, by postulating that they exhibit irreducible (‘inherent’) relations. Teller also suggested a possible application of this idea to quantum statistics. However, the basic proposal was not explained in detail nor has the additional idea about statistics been articulated in further work. In this article, I reconsider relational holism, amending it and spelling it out as appears necessary for a (...)
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  24. Fregean de re thoughts.Marco Aurelio Sousa Alves - 2014 - Cognitio-Estudos 11 (1):1-12.
    This papers aims at clarifying some misunderstandings that seem to block an adequate account of de re thoughts within the Fregean framework. It is usually assumed that Fregean senses cannot be de re, or dependent upon objects. Contrary to this assumption, Gareth Evans and John McDowell have claimed that Fregean de re senses are not just possible, but in fact the most promising alternative for accounting for de re thoughts. The reasons blocking this alternative can be traced back to Russellian (...)
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  25. Alberto Magno e o tratado De Prudentia.Matteo Raschietti - 2014 - Mirabilia 19 (2):246-258.
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  26. Die Melancholie, der Geist des Kapitalismus und die Depression, in Burkard Sievers (ed.), "Sozialanalyse und psychosoziale Dynamik von Organisationen".Marco Solinas - 2015 - In Burkard Sievers (Ed.), Andquot;Sozialanalyse Und Psychosoziale Dynamik von Organisationen", Ausgewählte Beitrage der Zeitschrift "Freie Assoziationen", Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2015, Pp. 77-104:77-104.
    "Der Aufsatz zielt darauf, der Prozess der historischen Überlagerung, Substitution und Verbreitung des theoretischen Paradigmas der Depression gegenüber jenem der Melancholie darzustellen. Im ersten Teil wird versucht, einige der einschneidenden Eigenschaften der Thematisierungen der Melancholie in der Frühen Neuzeit anzugeben, auch im Verhältnis zum Geist des Kapitalismus. Nachdem eine Skizze der Entstehung der moderne Kategorie der Depression, geht es darum, den Verlauf nachzuzeichnen, der im 20. Jahrhundert zu ihrer Transformation in ein weitläufiges theoretisches Paradigma geführt hat, das schließlich jenes der (...)
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  27. Costs of Agronomic Practices: Profitability at Different Scales of Sugarcane Production in Brazil.Marco Túlio Ospina-Patino, Fernando Rodrigues Amorim, Alequexandre Galvez de Andrade, Mohammad Jahangir Alam & Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2022 - International Journal of Business Administration 13 (5):32-43.
    The diversity in agronomic practices being used by sugarcane producers in Brazil determines differences in economic performance and cost structure. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the cost of six systems of agronomic practices using fixed or variable rates for soil amendment, fertilizer, and defensive applications and assess the profitability of these systems at three scales of sugarcane production. We then describe the data sample related to the 2019–2020 harvest season and collected from fifty-five sugarcane producers in the (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Conceitos de filosofia na escola e no mundo e a formação do filósofo segundo I. Kant.Marcos César Seneda - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (119):233-249.
    Este texto pretende discutir, do ponto de vista kantiano, o que pode ser ensinado e o que pode ser aprendido em Filosofia. Seu objetivo é construir os argumentos hipotéticos de Kant em face do método estruturalista de leitura de textos filosóficos. Para circunscrever este tema, aparentemente muito amplo, tomaremos como fio condutor um célebre texto de aula de I. Kant, publicado por G. B. Jäsche sob o título Manual dos Cursos de Lógica Geral. Kant ministrou este curso por mais de (...)
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    Noções Emergentistas no Pensamento da Psicologia da Gestalt.Leonardo Lana de Carvalho, Frederico Fernandes de Castro & Marcos Vinicius de Matos Escobar - 2015 - In Marcelo Carvalho, Dirk Greimann, Jonas Gonçalves Coelho & Paulo Ghiraldelli (eds.), Pragmatismo, Filosofia Analítica e Filosofia da Mente. São Paulo: ANPOF. pp. 378-396.
    Uma pesquisa revisando o pensamento gestáltico se justifica pelo intenso debate em torno da tese emergentista da mente. Sem a pretensão de uma exposição extensiva dos usos de noções emergentistas na análise do conceito de mente, realiza-se uma exposição do conceito com foco nas perspectivas de John R. Searle e de Evan Thompson. Ambos realizam uma defesa da emergência como conceito central na compreensão e explicação da relação mente corpo, mas o primeiro centrado no conceito de propriedades emergentes e o (...)
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  30. Die Melancholie, der Geist des Kapitalismus und die Depression.Marco Solinas - 2010 - Freie Assoziation 13 (4):79-99.
    The essay aims to analyse the gradual historical process of the partial overlap, replacement and expansion of the theoretical paradigm of depression with respect to that of melancholy. The first part is devoted to analysing some of the central features of the multivalent thematizations of melancholy drawn up during modernity, also with relation to the spirit of capitalism (in its Weberian acceptation). This is followed by an overview of the birth of the modern category of depression, and the process that (...)
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  31. La redécouverte de la « via regia ». Freud lecteur de Platon.Marco Solinas - 2015 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 113 (4):535-567.
    A partir du renvoi à la « maxime de Platon » insérée dans l’avant dernière page de la première édition de L’interprétation du rêve, l’auteur expose d’abord les convergences entre la conception du rêve de Platon présentée dans La République et les intuitions qui fondent l’édifice métapsychologique freudien. A la lumière des sources textuelles citées par Freud et de ses intérêts, l’auteur avance ensuite l’hypothèse selon laquelle Freud aurait non seulement omis de reconnaître la généalogie théorétique platonicienne de la « (...)
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  32. A crítica de Kant à subjetividade cartesiana.Marco Vinícius de Siqueira Côrtes - 2013 - Dissertation, Ufpr, Brazil
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  33. El problema de la donación en la reflexión de Patočka.Marco Barcaro - 2019 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 16:19.
    Esta contribución presenta como el concepto filosófico de “donación” es reinterpretado en la reflexión de Patočka. Partiendo de la lección husserliana, gracias a la cual las cosas son dadas en la pura inmanencia de la consciencia, él critica esta orientación “subjetivista” porque no desarrolla adecuadamente el tema del aparecer en el campo fenomenal. La segunda sección analiza tres desplazamientos metódicos que abarcan: el rol del sujeto, su relación con la trascendencia, el darse a sí mismo del mundo en su totalidad. (...)
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  34. Dialética, Indução e Inteligência na aquisição dos Primeiros Princípios.Marco Zingano - 2004 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 8 (1):27-41.
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  35. Sobre a possibilidade de pensarmos o mundo: o debate entre John McDowell e Donald Davidson.Marco Aurelio Sousa Alves - 2008 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
    The thesis evaluates a contemporary debate concerning the very possibility of thinking about the world. In the first chapter, McDowell's critique of Davidson is presented, focusing on the coherentism defended by the latter. The critique of the myth of the given (as it appears in Sellars and Wittgenstein), as well as the necessity of a minimal empiricism (which McDowell finds in Quine and Kant), lead to an oscillation in contemporary thinking between two equally unsatisfactory ways of understanding the empirical content (...)
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  36. Interpretación y textualidad en la aproximación de Heidegger a Nietzsche.Marco Parmeggiani - 2007 - In Müller-Buck S. Barbera – R. (ed.), Nietzsche nach dem resten Weltkrieg. Edizioni ETS. pp. 309-357.
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  37. Das „Problem“ der Habituskonstitution und die Spätlehre des Ich in der genetischen Phänomenologie E. Husserls.Marco Cavallaro - 2016 - Husserl Studies 32 (3):237-261.
    Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt zwei Bereiche, deren Zusammenhang in der aktuellen Husserlforschung zu Unrecht in Vergessenheit geraten zu sein scheint: Zum einen konturiere ich den Habitusbegriff und das damit verbundene Problem der Habituskonstitution im Spätwerk E. Husserls. Zum anderen dient das Ergebnis dieser ersten Untersuchung dann als Grundlage für die Frage nach dem Wesen des Ich in der genetischen Phänomenologie. Die Untersuchung besteht aus drei Teilen: Zuerst stelle ich, um die Bedeutung des Begriffs „Habitus“ zu klären, Ingardens Interpretationsalternativen der Habituskonstitution (...)
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  38. Les preuves de l’existence de Dieu chez Samuel Formey.Marco Storni - 2018 - Noctua 5 (2):161-199.
    The perpetual secretary of the Berlin Academy Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey is best known as a populariser of Christian Wolff’s doctrines. As of Formey’s activity in the Berlin Academy, scholars have mostly emphasized his role in the controversy over monads with Leonhard Euler, while overlooking other interesting contributions Formey presented in the “speculative philosophy” class of the Academy. In this paper, I analyse two articles Formey published in 1747 on the Mémoires de l’Académie de Berlin, namely the Preuves de l’existence (...)
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  39. Teoria crítica da sensibilidade e contrapartidas incongruentes em Kant.Marcos Seneda - 2017 - Kant E-Prints 12 (2):10-27.
    A Estética Transcendental é uma peça chave no programa de pesquisa que Kant desenvolveu e nomeou de filosofia transcendental. Ela se anuncia na Dissertação de 1770 e se configura de forma bem explícita na primeira edição da Crítica da razão pura, de 1781. O modo como Kant a concebeu permitiu-lhe separar radicalmente intelecto e sensibilidade, mas seria importante compreender a raiz dessa separação. Nesse texto procuramos mostrar que o opúsculo “Sobre o primeiro fundamento da distinção de direções no espaço”, de (...)
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  40. Uma leitura equívoca de Jellinek: Weber e a elaboração da noção de tipo ideal.Marcos César Seneda - 2016 - In Marcos Seneda & Henrique F. F. Custódio (eds.), Max Weber: religião, valores e teoria do conhecimento. Uberlândia: EDUFU. pp. 201-234.
    Uma leitura equívoca de Jellinek: Weber e a elaboração da noção de tipo ideal.
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  41. Maximizing team synergy in AI-related interdisciplinary groups: an interdisciplinary-by-design iterative methodology.Piercosma Bisconti, Davide Orsitto, Federica Fedorczyk, Fabio Brau, Marianna Capasso, Lorenzo De Marinis, Hüseyin Eken, Federica Merenda, Mirko Forti, Marco Pacini & Claudia Schettini - 2022 - AI and Society 1 (1):1-10.
    In this paper, we propose a methodology to maximize the benefits of interdisciplinary cooperation in AI research groups. Firstly, we build the case for the importance of interdisciplinarity in research groups as the best means to tackle the social implications brought about by AI systems, against the backdrop of the EU Commission proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act. As we are an interdisciplinary group, we address the multi-faceted implications of the mass-scale diffusion of AI-driven technologies. The result of our exercise (...)
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    O diário de uma favelada e o decolonialismo: Carolina Maria de Jesus, Michel Foucault e Simone Weil.Marcos A. Ferreira - 2024 - Somanlu Revista de Estudos Amazônicos 24 (1):54-69.
    O presente trabalho busca traçar um diálogo entre a filosofia e a literatura, visando uma abordagem interdisciplinar acerca da questão do decolonialismo, tendo como material primário a obra O diário de uma favelada (1960), da escritora brasileira Carolina Maria de Jesus. Buscamos abordar a obra tendo como horizonte interpretativo o pensamento do filósofo Michel Foucault com a noção de escrita de si, sendo uma das ferramentas utilizadas para o cuidado de si, como o concebe em sua Hermenêutica do sujeito (2010). (...)
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    Reduzindo a fonte dos conhecimentos aos dados sensíveis, o empirismo pode ser concebido basicamente de dois modos: a partir da aquisição dos conteúdos do pensamento, ou a partir da constituição empírica da própria subjetividade. A segunda hipótese, em suas linhas gerais, foi apresentada explicitamente por G. Deleuze. Este texto, ao examinar esta segunda hipótese, restringe-se a uma análise exaustiva da memória e da imaginação, procurando expor os passos pelos quais Hume constitui distintos modos de operar da mente humana em conformidade (...)
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    Uma incursão sobre a obra de arte, a tecnologia e a pornografia.Marcos A. Ferreira - 2024 - Itaca 42:59-73.
    The aim of this article is to try to understand the role of pornography through a number of different channels, namely: the work of art and technology. To understand how the work of art passed from an erotic position to a pornographic one, with explicitly political motivations. To this end, our main references are Walter Benjamin’s work The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technical Reproducibility (1936) and Polly Barton’s Porn: An Oral History (2023). -/- O presente artigo (...)
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  45. A fundamentação das ciências compreensivas: a posição de Dilthey reconstruí­da a partir de Leibniz, Wolff e Kant.Marcos César Seneda - 2007 - Princípios 14 (22):123-144.
    A obra de Dilthey desempenha um papel fundamental para a filosofia contemporânea, na medida em que Dilthey distingue duas esferas por meio das quais temos acesso ao todo da realidade: a experiência objetiva ( die Erfahrung ) e a vivência ( das Erlebnis ). É esta distinçáo que possibilita a Dilthey, em oposiçáo às ciências da natureza, conceber as condições de evidência e validade das ciências do espírito. Ainda que náo nomeada com estes termos, esta distinçáo vai estar na base (...)
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  46. El "cogito" de Descartes en los fragmentos póstumos de Nietzsche.Marco Parmeggiani - 1996 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1:329-342.
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    Alimentos alternativos na formulação de dieta para caprinos e ovinos.J. C. Marcos Neto, A. P. S. Santos, I. C. Dourado, R. P. L. Santos & E. N. R. Barbosa - 2024 - Revista Eletrônica Nutritime 21 (6):9456-9464.
    ALTERNATIVE FOODS IN THE FORMULATION OF DIETS FOR GOATS AND SHEEP ABSTRACT Alternative nutrition refers to the use of unconventional ingredients or agro-industrial byproducts in formulating diets that would otherwise be discarded (Moraes, et al., 2011). Providing nutritional support to animals is essential in optimizing digestibility, associated with good management and water availability, which increases the producer's profitability. The search for alternative foods to meet market demand can arise for several reasons, whether to obtain a greater supply of feed during (...)
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  48. Bibliografía cronológica de la obra de F. Nietzsche.Marco Parmeggiani - 2001 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 6:275-291.
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  49. O Ensino de Linguagem Entre a Tradição e as Perspectivas Científicas: Diretrizes para uma Abordagem Transdisciplinar.Marco Bispo dos Santos - 2010 - Dissertation, Ufba, Brazil
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  50. Considerações do Conceito de Tempo na Leitura do Livro IV da Física de Aristóteles.Marcos Jaques - manuscript
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